Given the scale and diversity of our land base and our in-house expertise, we are in a unique position to provide solutions that help address the impacts of climate change and provide other environmental benefits, including through renewable energy development, forest carbon and CCS, conservation and mitigation banking.



Protecting areas that have exceptional historic, visual, recreational, forestry or wildlife habitat attributes.

Wind & Solar

We grant easements on our land to reputable industry leaders who identify, evaluate, permit and build wind and solar projects.

Mitigation Banking

Our restoration projects provide mitigation bank credits for developers to help meet the U.S. Clean Water Act.


Forest harvest residuals and lower-value sawmill residuals such as small-diameter trees, tree tops, sawdust and bark can be used as a feedstock in bioenergy facilities to produce renewable energy, an overall low-carbon solution.

Carbon Capture & Sequestration

We are focused on evaluating the development of geologic carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) opportunities across our footprint through partnerships and lease agreements with qualified companies.

Forest Carbon

We develop forest carbon projects on our land base where we can generate meaningful carbon additionality and help companies and other organizations meet their climate commitments.