We know that individuals and communities expect companies to help solve some of the world's toughest and most pressing challenges. We couldn’t agree more. Our 3 by 30 Sustainability Ambitions focus on three areas where we play an important role and can make a meaningful difference by 2030: climate solutions, sustainable homes and rural communities. We can’t solve these challenges alone, but we know our vast forests, land and the essential products we make put us in a unique position to have a tangible and lasting positive impact.

Since we launched our 3 by 30 Sustainability Ambitions in 2020, we have focused on defining what success looks like, exploring and developing new relationships and key partnerships, and piloting and testing initial ideas and actions. We share key accomplishments toward these current focus areas and objectives semiannually. In the next phase of this effort, we will focus on a few critical actions and identify influential strategic partnerships and investments. By 2030, we will demonstrate real, measurable impact.

  • Climate Solutions: We recognize that climate change has the potential to cause enormous disruption in our world. We are committed to helping prove how our forests and wood products can contribute to climate change solutions.
  • Sustainable Homes: We recognize that quality, affordable housing is in short supply in communities across North America. We are committed to helping drive improvements in how sustainable wood products can help provide abundant, creative opportunities for ensuring everyone has access to a quality, sustainable home.
  • Rural Communities: We recognize that barriers to economic and social prosperity can be difficult to overcome in rural communities across North America. We are committed to helping drive measurable results in ensuring rural communities are great places to live, work and do business.

The first phase of our 3 by 30 Sustainability Ambitions launched in 2020 and focused on defining what success looks like, exploring and developing new relationships and key partnerships, and piloting and testing initial ideas and actions. 2023 marks the start of the next phase of this effort during which we will focus on strategic, critical actions, partnerships and investments. By 2030, we will demonstrate real, measurable impact, and we will report key accomplishments for each Sustainability Ambition semiannually.

At the start of Phase 1, we identified a set number of actions to advance our goals. By the end of the phase, we had completed actions as follows:

3 by 30 Actions graphic

Items marked as “in progress” at the end of Phase 1 were moved into Phase 2; those marked as “not started” were set aside as unnecessary steps. To learn more about each of our Sustainability Ambitions and our key accomplishments, follow the links in the image below.

Working to solve 3 by challenges by 2030





















