Like all businesses, we depend on people to succeed, and we have an important responsibility to treat them with respect and care, both inside and outside our company. We need diverse, talented workers to grow, innovate and thrive with us for decades to come. We also need strong communities around us, filled with people who trust and appreciate our work and grant us license to continue operating.

For us, this commitment means doing everything we can to create a safe, inclusive work environment where employees are excited and proud to spend their whole careers. It also means investing time and money to support the communities where we operate so they are vibrant, prosperous places to live and work.

Throughout our long history, social responsibility has been an integral part of how we do business, and to survive another 100 years, we must always get the people part right.

Operating Safely - Helmet, Goggles and Gloves

Operating Safely

Perhaps the most fundamental characteristic of our culture at Weyerhaeuser is our deep commitment to the safety of our people. For us, safety is a core value and comes first in everything we do.

Building an Inclusive Culture -- Hands grasping each other

Building an Inclusive Culture 

Attracting, engaging, inspiring and retaining diverse talent is essential to our business. We are focused on creating an equitable, inclusive workplace where all our employees feel they belong and are confident they will grow and thrive at our company.

People Development graphic

Developing Our People 

Helping our people realize their full potential is a win for them and for us. We are intentional about developing our people at all levels of the company and at all stages of their careers.

Competitive People Practices graphic

Competitive People Practices 

To attract and retain top talent, we provide competitive pay and benefits, and we measure the success of our culture and programs through regular employee surveys.

Community shown with numerous houses and a family

Supporting Our Communities 

We operate in rural communities across North America, and we are proud to invest time and money to help ensure they are thriving places to live and work.

Graphic showing connection between numerous stakeholders

Engaging Our Stakeholders

We depend on many different stakeholders to operate our business. Being a good corporate citizen requires listening to their questions and concerns and being transparent about how we do our work.

Graphic showing hand with growing branches, as well as an apple and lunchbag

Promoting Environmental Education  

We are experts at sustainable forestry, and we have a responsibility to share that knowledge with others. From offering tours to operating two learning centers, we provide opportunities for hands-on engagement with our forests and operations.

Graphic showing a hiker in a camping area with trees

Providing Recreational Access 

We grant recreational access to our lands so people in our communities can connect with nature and enjoy all our forests have to offer, from hiking and camping to hunting, fishing and a range of other outdoor activities.



Safety is not just a core value — it comes first in everything we do. Our goal is to operate injury-free, and we have made significant improvements to eliminate serious, life-threatening injuries from our workplace. We use a common set of simple and proven tools to manage safety effectively, with a focus on eliminating our highest risks via preventive safety measures, such as hazard identification and correction, and proactively sharing key learnings across our organization. Our efforts over many decades have resulted in a meaningful, sustained reduction in the number and severity of injuries in our workplace. Our Recordable Incident Rate, the number of Occupational Safety and Health Administration-defined recordable injuries and illnesses that occur in 100 workers working in one year, dropped from over 10 in 1990 to 1.76 in 2021. Any injury is one too many for us, but we are pleased with the progress we have made to mitigate our highest-risk areas and reduce the number of injuries our people experience at work.



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In Their Own Words
Our employees share what safety means to them and how important it is in their day-to-day work.



Foresters working in hard hats

Safety by the Numbers
We publicly share our key safety metrics, from serious incidents to hazards fixed.



Montana fall prevention system

Proactive Injury Prevention
After a routine safety check brought a possible fall hazard to their attention, the crew at our medium-density fiberboard plant in Columbia Falls, Montana, developed an innovative fall-prevention system to support the process of loading rail cars.

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Building An Inclusive Culture

Inclusion is a core value at Weyerhaeuser, and we believe that diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) work is critical for our company and our society. We are taking action to increase diversity at all levels of our company, create a truly inclusive environment, and preserve and promote equity for all people — within our operations and in our communities.

We know that increasing diversity requires so much more than recruiting and promoting diverse talent; we must also build a culture that encourages people to stay once they join our team. To help us with this work, we formed an Inclusion Council of 25 diverse employees from all corners of our company who provide perspectives to our senior management team about how we can accelerate our progress. With their input, we set goals to drive improvement in seven key areas each year: leadership and accountability; equitable practices and policies; recruiting and hiring; training and development; communication and culture; affinity and connection; and community outreach.

In 2021, we made significant progress against our targets, which included educating our top leaders about inclusive leadership and fostering a sense of belonging, deploying facilitator-led unconscious bias training to all salaried employees and new hires, expanding our online DE&I training options for all employees, establishing a process for monitoring diversity on hiring teams, launching three refreshed employee resource groups, creating an internal inclusion resources website and donating more than $250,000 to organizations supporting diversity, equity and inclusion. We hired a dedicated DE&I director to help us drive progress on this work, and in response to our 2022 feedback survey of all employees, 82 percent agreed that their work environment is inclusive. Our overall score on all inclusion questions was 81 percent, which is a 2 percent improvement from our previous companywide survey, driven largely by increased scores from women and people of color.



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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Video of employee who will discuss what working for Weyerhaeuser means to them.

In Their Own Words
Listen to a few of our employees talk about what it means for them to work at Weyerhaeuser.



Smiling woman wearing Weyerhaeuser baseball cap in foreground of field of newly planted trees.

Creating a Stronger Company
Read more about our focus areas and targets for increasing diversity, ensuring equity and fostering inclusion.


 Company Value

Smiling woman wearing hardhat in foreground of forest.

Our Diversity & Inclusion by the Numbers 
We share data, including our full EEO-1 Consolidated Report, related to our company's racial and gender diversity.



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Our employees want to work for a company that cares about their professional growth, and we want people on our team who strive to continually learn and grow throughout their careers.

To facilitate that growth, we offer three leadership development programs, one for each level of leadership: front-line, midlevel and executive. In 2021, we had to delay some of these programs or shift them to a virtual format because of COVID-19 health and safety considerations; after we made those adjustments, more than 200 leaders were able to participate. In addition, our employees collectively logged almost 31,000 hours of training in our online learning management system, which tracks both virtual and classroom courses delivered.

We also place strong emphasis on individual development planning, and in 2021 over 90 percent of our salaried employees updated their career plans despite all the disruptions from the pandemic. In 2021, we also launched a new toolkit for employees and managers to help drive more meaningful and constructive career-coaching conversations. This toolkit includes expanded access to a wide range of online training modules that support individual professional-development needs, as well as a peer-to-peer recommendation list of books, podcasts and videos that support ongoing learning and growth.



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People Development


In Their Own Words
Our employees share their professional journey and career paths at Weyerhaeuser.



Developing Great People
We believe the success of any company depends on the success of its people.


 Focus Area


Growing With Our Company
Our professional development candidates get a broad range of exposure to the forest products industry.



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Beyond building a culture of safety, development and inclusion, we also focus on providing competitive pay and benefits that will attract the best talent, and then measuring the success of our culture and programs through regular feedback and pulse surveys.

In 2019, we were one of the first companies in our industry to offer paid parental leave; all U.S. nonunion employees may take up to four weeks of fully paid leave upon the arrival of a new child or children in their family. (Our Canadian employees receive parental leave in accordance with provincial employment standards.) This is in addition to our current six-week disability leave for people who give birth, our adoption assistance program and other family-related benefits.

In 2021, we announced a longer-term remote work policy that provides as much flexibility as possible for workers who are able to work from home, while still working on-site often enough to meet critical business and culture needs.

As part of our ongoing commitment to listen and respond to employee concerns, in 2022 we conducted our annual employee feedback survey to gauge responses to a range of workforce factors that drive engagement and retention. Our overall engagement score was 86 percent, with 87 percent of our employees believing their work has meaning and purpose, 92 percent saying they are proud of the work they do, 85 percent saying they get enough opportunities to do challenging work, 86 percent agreeing they have the training they need to do their jobs well and 92 percent saying they know how their work contributes to the company’s overall performance.



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People Practices

What We Offer
Our goal is to create a thriving, inclusive work environment where all our people experience growth, feel valued for the contribution they make and get rewarded for results.


 Business Integration

People Practices by the Numbers
We share details about compensation and retention metrics in our annual sustainability data.



Join Us
We are always looking for smart, talented people who are passionate about making a difference.


 Focus Area

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We operate in rural communities across Canada and the United States, and we are proud to give our time and money to help ensure they are thriving places to live and work. In 2021, we provided $5.9 million in charitable grants, in-kind donations and sponsorships in our communities, and our employees led 179 community projects and volunteered over 13,200 hours of their time to causes they care about. Through our companywide employee giving platform, we provide an easy way for all employees to donate to their favorite charities using payroll deduction. In 2019, we also added a company matching program of up to $1,000 per employee, and in 2021 we matched about $264,000 in employee donations to double the support for deserving charities in our communities. At the start of 2022, we combined our matching gift programs for donations and volunteerism into one. We now match up to $1,500 per employee per year through our TREE-mendous Matching Gifts program, which creates even more flexible options for employees to support the causes they care about in their communities.



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Community Giving

Oregon seedling giveaway

Seedling Donation in Oregon
Following the devastating wildfires of 2020, Weyerhaeuser volunteers distributed 10,000 tree seedlings to community members in Detroit, Oregon, to help them replant and recover.

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Operation Tiny Home

Addressing Veteran Homelessness
Through a partnership with Operation Tiny Home, we are raising awareness of homelessness among military veterans and helping show how tiny houses can serve as affordable, practical housing solutions.

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Community Investment by the Numbers
We provided $5.9 million in charitable grants, in-kind donations and sponsorships in our communities in 2021.



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Our commitment to citizenship goes beyond charitable giving and volunteerism. For us, being a good corporate citizen is also about listening to our neighbors and partners — and working to ensure our company is fully engaged in the communities where we live and work. Our engagement process varies widely based on the project, issue or group, and our stakeholders and partners include everyone from customers and suppliers to investors, employees, communities, policymakers and regulators, Indigenous communities, NGOs and nonprofits, universities and research projects.



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Stakeholder Engagement

Fighting Fires Together

Fighting Fires Together
From rural communities where we own and manage timberlands to national government bodies, we are committed to stakeholder engagement.

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Timberlands: Indigenous Communities

We are committed to developing and maintaining positive relationships with Indigenous communities wherever we operate.


 Business Integration

Give Us Your Feedback
We want to hear your feedback on our sustainability strategy and positive impact goals.


 Contact Us

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Drawing on more than a century of experience in sustainable forestry, we share our story and expertise through tours of our forests and facilities across North America, and we also operate two education centers that are open to the public and provide a range of experiential opportunities to learn about forestry, ecology and environmental issues. In Washington, our Mount St. Helens Forest Learning Center tells the story of the eruption of Mount St. Helens and the forest’s return through interactive, hands-on activities and visual displays. In North Carolina, our Cool Springs Environmental Education Center offers a 1,700-acre working forest and outdoor classroom for visitors — including school groups — to showcase sustainable forestry working in harmony with wildlife habitat, air quality, water quality and recreational activities.



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Environmental Education

Mount St. Helens Forest Learning Center

Our free Forest Learning Center tells the remarkable story of a forest's recovery in the wake of the Mount St. Helens eruption.


 Focus Area

Field Education in Kenora

A Field Education in Sustainable Forestry
In October 2021, more than 50 ninth graders from Beaver Brae Secondary School spent the day at one of our active harvest sites near Kenora, Ontario, for a hands-on look at careers in forestry.

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RAVE Foundation volunteers in south Seattle

Soccer and Sustainability
Through our partnership with the RAVE Foundation in 2021, we supported the installation of a mini soccer field and rain garden for students at Seahurst Elementary, south of Seattle, as well as a forest restoration project at a nearby park.

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Our millions of acres of U.S. timberlands include spectacular lakes and hardwood forests in the Northeast, expansive Southern pine forests spanning Virginia to Texas, and remote, rugged mountains and scenic rivers in the Pacific Northwest. Whether your passion is bird-watching, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking or cycling, our forests provide exceptional opportunities for outdoor adventure. We are proud to connect people with everything nature has to offer through our lease and permit programs and open access areas.



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Our forests in the United States provide exceptional opportunities for outdoor adventure through our recreational lease and permit programs.


 Business Integration

Kiosk on Oregon forestland

Opening Access in Oregon
A 2020 agreement in Oregon opened 92,000 acres of our timberlands in Lincoln and Polk counties for free recreational access.

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Oregon recreational access

Expanding Outdoor Opportunities 
A separate agreement in 2021 opened an additional 89,000 acres of Weyerhaeuser land in northwest Oregon to the public through the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Access & Habitat Program.

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