Forests represent one of the largest and most readily available opportunities to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help address the impacts of climate change. As companies increasingly look to offset or reduce their emissions and reach net-zero commitments, we are in a unique position through our Natural Climate Solutions business at Weyerhaeuser to support the growth and development of high-quality forest carbon projects that help companies and other organizations meet those commitments.

Not all forests are suitable for a carbon offset project. We continually evaluate all our land holdings and identify potential project areas, and we have spent a lot of time over the last few years working through our internal analysis to determine where on our ownership forest carbon projects make the most economic sense. A lot of factors come into play, such as timberland value, local market pricing, our internal mill requirements and third-party supply obligations.

While we may ultimately participate in various types of forest carbon projects, we see the most immediate opportunity to develop Improved Forest Management (IFM) projects in the voluntary markets. Our current focus is to create and monetize the climate benefits of our sustainable working forests by providing the highest-quality IFM offsets. We are committed to only bringing forward high-quality projects, and any project we pursue will adhere to strict standards. All credits will be:

  • Additional – A carbon credit must represent a net sequestration above what would have taken place in a business-as-usual context.
  • Verifiable and Enforceable – All projects and crediting will be verified by an independent auditor at regular intervals.
  • Measurable – We will ensure that all credits are measurable and replicable.
  • Permanent – We will commit to the project term as outlined in the crediting methodologies.

If you'd like to learn more about opportunities on our land related to forest carbon projects, please fill out this form and we'll contact you.

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